• Graphic Design

    Your brand image should reflect the spirit, products and services of your company. It's your identity, it makes you unique. Good graphic design is a part of your marketing solutions.
    Qrious - Visual Communication offers:

    artwork, house style, brochures, coporate identity, sales material, copywriting

  • Web Design

    The Internet is available everywhere. A graphic design should be useful on the internet and also visually appealing for tablets and smartphones.
    Qrious - Visual Communication offers:

    website creation, social media networking, digital media optimization, SEO, SEA, content marketing

  • Illustrations

    A design is always based on a sketch or an idea. Creative work consists partly of text and partly an illustration. Often the desired photo is not available. Instead of a photo the solution can be found in a drawing.
    Qrious - Visual Communication offers:

    logo design, letterpress, hand-drawn graphics, silkcreen, mixed media

  • Campaign

    Good graphic work evokes an emotion and atmosphere, is visually appealing and useful both in hard copy and digital version. In addition, it must appael to the target audience. When designing for an event all these elements must be kept in mind.
    Qrious - Visual Communication offers:

    event design and marketing, house style, promotion offline, campaign online, copywriting


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